

MBBS Program


Models of Undergraduate (MBBS) Curriculum implemented in Pakistan


[Quoted from 2022 Guidelines for Undergraduate Medical Education Curriculum (MBBS)] 

In Pakistan three models are in practice;


The Integrated Medical Curriculum is increasingly being adopted internationally. An Integrated Medical Curriculum addresses basic scientific knowledge in parallel with clinical science, enabling students to learn through the lens of normal and abnormal human body systems than by discipline. It is different from Traditional Medical Curriculum, where you learn the science first in the pre-clinical years and then move on to learning in a clinical setting. Most curricula for medical education have traditionally been integrated horizontally between basic sciences and clinical sciences.

The goal of integration is to break down the barriers between the basic and clinical sciences. Integration aims to promote retention of knowledge and acquisition of skills through repetitive and progressive development of concepts and their application.


Vertical integration in the curriculum in addition to basic and clinical sciences, must also include socio- humanistic and population health sciences. This leads to a broader understanding of medicine and health and the impact of both on society. An integrated curriculum is “education that is organized in such a way that it cuts across subject matter lines, bringing together various aspects of the curriculum into the meaningful association to focus upon broad areas of study”.


The Traditional Medical Curriculum is based on the staged introduction of basic and biomedical sciences during the initial years of the program followed by the clinical sciences. A common criticism of this approach is that students will not see the relevance of basic and biomedical sciences applied to clinical practice.


The Hybrid Medical Curriculum is where parts of both integrated and traditional curriculum are implemented in a learning environment.


Models of Undergraduate (MBBS) Curriculum implemented in Bilawal Medical College, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences , Jamsohoro Sindh, Pakistan.

First two batches (academic years 2018-19 & 2019-20)  follow Traditional Medical Curriculum and subsequent batches (academic years 2020-21; 2021-22; 2022-23) follow Integrated Medical Curriculum .